Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Shortage Of Fresh Food

I've been the the local G20 twice this week, both Monday and today, Wednesday and both times, I've left almost empty-handed. 

I'm glad that I went to the outdoor market at Corentin Celton last weekend or we'd have been in trouble by now.

As I was checking out today, I asked the cashier why there was such a limited supply of fresh food.  She replied that they get their shipments on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.  I guess they have sold out of the good stuff by the next day.

I guess I have to adjust my shopping days but I'll also have to adjust the hours that I shop I guess.  Probably the shipment doesn't come first thing in the morning and if it does, no one will put it all out on the shelves right away, so I will have to consider a T/Th/Sat afternoon trip I guess.

The flower market has the same schedule, so maybe this is something French?  No idea.  I'll have to ask around.