Sunday, February 1, 2009

Super Bowl Sunday

Get Me Back To Paris

It is hard for me to imagine an event that is exciting to nearly everyone else in the US but me. It's The Super Bowl.

In preparation for this, I had to go to the grocery store this AM (yes, Sunday, if you're in France, don't be jealous) and it was mobbed. The alcohol and snack aisles were in gridlock. The vegetable and fruit aisles were deserted.

In the past, we've been invited to someone's house. I'm now declining all invitations in order to avoid the entire event. I finally realized that this is the closest thing to hell that I'll ever experience.

First, everyone is eating food that is greasy and unhealthy. If you don't eat, you can be assured that the host and hostess will take offense. Second, someone has to be the designated driver, so I can have one glass of wine and then have to stop. Alcohol is the only thing that makes this all bearable.

Finally, my sister just pointed this out and it's really true, you can't talk about anything but football, during the game.

Well, I don't know anything about football. I don't even know the teams that are playing, the names of the players or the rules of the game. Try being absolutely quiet for 4 hours. Three strikes, The Super Bowl has one less viewer.

This year, we're staying home. Terry will enjoy watching the game, and I can study french, read a book, do some gardening. I was considering going shopping, but after the grocery store this morning, I am not venturing out in my car again todau.

So, the french have their strikes and demonstrations to contend with and we have The Super Bowl. I guess ours is only once a year so we can plan ahead.

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