Sunday, April 18, 2010

Paris and The Volcano

I love Paris. I am very sad every time I leave. I don't even want to go on a vacation to another part of France.

Now we have a volcano spewing volcanic ash, steam and lava into the atmosphere. It's all happening in Iceland but it's messing with all of us.

Even if I wanted to go back to the US, I can't right now -- no flights are taking off in most of Europe. I pity the poor American schoolchildren who are on holiday here and who are stuck, without money. I pity the families that are separated -- parents in one place, children in another or a husband and wife separated after a business trip.

But, I'm happy. I'm not going anywhere. The CNN report says that the last time this volcano erupted, in 1821, it continued to erupt for two years. Does that mean no Trans-Atlantic travel for two years? Or does it mean having to take a train to another city to get on a plane?

I have concerns. First, my US mail is sent to Paris every two weeks via UPS. It gets on a plane on Friday and arrives at my doorstep by Monday at 10:30. It works really well. If the UPS planes can't land in Paris, what will they do? I've contacted UPS and am waiting for a response. In a worst-case scenario, I'll have to have someone in the US scan all my important mail (it's not that much) and send the scans to me so that I can deal with them. Luckily the volcanic ash hasn't interfered with the internet or I'd be sunk.

By the way, the weather is gorgeous, warm and sunny, no visible cloud of ash, no particles falling from the sky. It makes it makes it kind of hard to believe that there is a problem up there in the sky.

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