Saturday, October 19, 2013

Do I Look Like A Fool???

In the past week, I have had countless small snubs come my way.  The kind that if you don't listen closely, it will go over your head.  They've come from Americans and French people, so it's not cultural.  It's something else.  I guess it must be me. 

I'll have to examine my method of operating.  Maybe I'm too casual, don't dress properly, smile too freely; I have no idea what it is that's leaving me open to comments of a negative nature.

I had an American woman imply that I could not afford a vacation like the one she had just taken.  I was so astonished (she is a psychotherapist, imagine!) that I was speechless.

Then, I asked a bus driver for directions and he literally didn't answer at all and shooed me off his bus.  Oh well.  Another person recently implied that I couldn't read French well enough to understand an article that he had enjoyed.  Finally, a neighbor today demanded a "Merci" twice from me before I could even respond.  I had to answer that I had heard her the first time and she hadn't given me the time to respond.  Hrmph!

I have also had my successes in places that are otherwise hostile.  I successfully, and without incident, bought a case of champagne today after a long discussion with the shop owner.  But, the man at the kiosk couldn't understand my request for "Le Figaro avec les magazines" even though I buy the same thing every Saturday from the same man.  On the good side, the guy in the grocery store went to his special supply of non-bruised bananas to find me four perfect ones.   The woman in the shoe store found the pair of boots I wanted after thinking she didn't have my size.  Pascal is always great at the tennis shop.

The bad still outweighs the good over the past week.  

I guess I should renew my membership in the "thick skin club". 

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