Thursday, April 16, 2015

Importing/Exporting A Pet

One day soon, one of these little dogs will be sitting on a plane next to me (actually at my feet, hopefully) for the long flight.  They have to be old enough to get a Rabies vaccine and then wait 21 days to go from the US to France and 30 days to go from France to the US.  So, they will be a bit older by then. 

Not sure if this is a wise move, but I've wanted a dog forever.  I researched all dog breeds to find the right one for my situation.  I want a dog that is hardy enough to make this trip several times a year without too much complaining as well.  The dog also has to be able to run/walk with me a lot.  These little things can run with horses and I talked to one woman who owns one and she told me that she rides a bicycle and the dog chases it for exercise.  My kind of dog. 

I won't get to take him or her home for a few weeks.  By that time, he/she will look more like a dog, I hope.

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