Thursday, April 30, 2009

"Home" is a Concept

Before we bought our first apartment in Paris nearly seven years ago, I was a homebody. Someone who was happy to be at home. Someone who didn't have a driving interest to visit new places or experience things that might be too different. I'm not proud of this, but it's who I was.

Weird how things change. Now we spend a lot of time in France and a lot of time in the US. But, when I'm in the US, I am not at home a lot. I visit my Mom, I visit my sister, we visit the kids.

In France, we don't travel as much. But, I'm not French, so it's all different, all the time. Just when I think I've "got it", something new crops up to humble me. So, in general, I don't feel as much "at home" in France as I do in the US.

But, if I were to go to the Southern US, or even the Northwest, I would feel out of place, too. Things are different, the society is slightly different in the different parts of the US. But, I could still call the electric company and understand the rules of the game.

Even though many of the places I stay every year are not "home", I have become "at home" just about anywhere I go. In the past, I couldn't wait to get home, sleep in my own bed, drive my car. Now, home can be anywhere and if I'm healthy and enjoying myself, have a good book, a friend or family member nearby, I'm happy.

The definition of "home" has changed. It's broadened.

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