Saturday, February 12, 2011

Another Line

I'm still not completely "over" my day at the DMV last week.

I am very impatient when I have to wait for something. Standing in a line is even worse than waiting while sitting down. They are both bad, a waste of time.

It's a weekend. We should know better than to go to a temporary exposition, especially one that is about to close. I've wanted to see the Henry Moore at the Rodin since last December. It will close soon, so off we went on a rainy Saturday.

We always get a bit lost when going to the Rodin. It is always my fault, according to Terry. We even question whether the signs are pointing in the wrong direction, it is a possibility...

Finally we find it. We can see the line before we can see the museum itself. It's the after lunch crowd, fully fortified and ready for the afternoon. Our spartan lunch (alcohol-free) will not keep us warm, I fear.

We hike to the end of the line. It's raining lightly. We wait. Didn't I just do this in California a few days ago. Is it worth it? Obviously it is for the 30+ people happily chattering in front of us.

More people arrive and the line gets longer. But, it moves fairly quickly. Perhaps it is just security? When we get to the door, we realize there is no security, only crowd control. They have one cashier at the desk. Kind of like the DMV.

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