Saturday, November 26, 2011

She's Just The Messenger...

With a washer/dryer combo (one machine) that holds a maximum of 2.5 kg, I allow myself the small luxury of having my sheets done at a real french laundry. They come back starchy, stiff and really white. They are a pleasure to slip into.

The closest laundry that is reliable (this is a relative term) is about a ten minute walk. It's a very pleasant walk in a shopping area. I have to bring a bag to carry them back in, they come covered but they are heavy.

The sheets that I took in on Monday were supposed to be done by Friday morning. The woman promised. I didn't have time to get them on Friday, so I went this afternoon (Saturday). I made a special trip and it is quite cold outside. It was getting dark as I got there. There were three people ahead of me and each one had special instructions, questions, comments. I waited about 10-15 minutes before I presented the woman with my ticket.

She disappeared into the back of the store, behind shelves filled with other peoples' sheets, blankets and bedspreads. She was gone a long time, which never bodes well.

Back she came, empty-handed. I should add that this is pretty common, it happens about half the time. While I'm not in a panic to get them, I made a special trip on a dark and cold Saturday afternoon.

She opened a dog-eared spiral-bound notebook and told me that they will be back on Monday. OK. But, they were supposed to be back on Friday morning and it's Saturday afternoon, I said.

Her reply (with a smile on her face and no malice) was that she doesn't do the sheets, she only works in the store. She's only the messenger of the bad news about the sheets.

1 comment:

La Vie Quotidienne said...

How nice of you to visit my blog. What a wonderful adventure you must having living in France. I love France, I visited last spring for a few weeks. I having been attempting to learn the language, rather difficult when there is no one to speak with.(-:

Hope you found your sheets. Have a wonderful day!