Thursday, January 5, 2012

Order is Restored

I love technical things and I embrace/buy/use as many of them as I can justify.

I waited and waited for the iPHONE 5 to come out, nursing my 3+ year-old original iPHONE 3. It was on the way out for months but held on. Of course, I had to get the iPHONE 4S. I got it, I love it, I rely on it.

So, today as I was racing out the door for an appointment, I looked down at my new phone and the screen was dark except for a weird half circle in the center of the screen.

No biggie. I threw the phone in my purse, figuring that by the time the appointment was over the phone would have recovered from whatever trauma it had sustained.

Later in the afternoon, I took the phone out and the same screen was on. But, the phone was very hot. Maybe it was working overtime to try to restore harmony.

Trying not to panic, I worried that I would be phone-less, maybe for days! After a bad experience with two Amazon Kindle Fire devices, I could see the same hellish round of phone customer service tag that I'd just unsuccessfully gone through.

I found the Apple Support page on the computer but my iTUNES password was not working. So, I had to stop everything and re-set it (and try to remember it). I got through and the next screen told me that I could book a time for a phone call with an Apple tech. OK, time choices arrived. I could have an immediate phone call, which is not fast enough but I accepted it. A guy called. He cracked a couple of dumb jokes, I tapped my foot (he couldn't see it). But, in about four steps, he got the phone going again.

Order is restored.

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