Sunday, December 20, 2015

Emma's First Christmas, In Her Words...

Can you believe that she put this on me?  I can't imagine being seen outside like this, of course.  I had to act quickly so I pretended to be impaired.  I walked sideways with my tail and my head down.  This got an immediate reaction and this stupid Christmas bow is history.  (I hope it doesn't show up again on the 25th...)

There are many things to do around here that aren't Christmas related. I've been keeping in shape with several dreadful forced marches per day.  I've added yoga to the routine and it seems to have made me much more "zen".  I almost forgot to chew up the chairs today I was so relaxed.

My favorite activity continues to be sleeping on the furniture, which I do about 20 hours per day.  They have really soft furniture and it washable so if I jump up and put dirty prints all over, they don't get too upset.  I try not to chew my bully sticks on the furniture, they might stain.  I'm learning manners even without that silly class they make me attend every week.  Basic Manners, ha!

Merry Christmas!
Love, Emma

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