Thursday, August 20, 2009


I haven't really spent too much time thinking about the swine flu until today. We had some interesting discussions at our conversation groups in Paris when it first hit the news. There were people that thought that you could get it from eating pork. If life were only that easy.

I was at the doctor's today and asked when they would have the flu shots for this new flu. The nurse told me that the shots will only be available from the health department (whatever that is, I have no idea) and doctors will not be giving them. They will be able to give the normal flu shots only.

What does this mean for us? Half the time, we catch something on the plane going to and from Paris. An 11+ hour flight next to a sick person is almost a sure-fire way to get a virus. I'm not paranoid but I hate to be sick and I am a very bad patient (meaning not very patient). A couple of times when I've flown next to a sick person, I've asked to be moved. Several times I've worn a mask when someone is violently ill near me. Perhaps with all this interest/fear in the "swine flu" I can complain in advance and get the person thrown off the plane. Not a popular move, but neither is getting on a plane when you're very sick.

We're prepared. Our doctors have given us Tamiflu and antibiotics. I have NyQuill, cough drops, and aspirin. The swine flu doesn't have a chance in Paris. We hope.

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