Thanksgiving is a week and two days from today. I've ordered the turkey, it will be great, since everything we buy from our local butcher is tasty, fresh, and top quality.
This morning, I decided that it was time to start accumulating the other components of the dinner. We've never made a true Thanksgiving dinner before in Paris. I made a list of all the things I needed, including a pan that is small enough to fit in the oven but large enough to hold the turkey.
Mid-morning, I hit the Epicerie at Le Bon Marche, thinking that I would be able to find everything in my own neighborhood. I got a cart at the door I was so sure it would be filled to the brim. As I made my way up and down the aisles, I couldn't find one thing needed for the meal. No stuffing mix, no cranberries, no pumpkin in a can to make the pies. I went through the whole store twice, thinking that I wasn't being open-minded. I left empty-handed.
I came home, had lunch and hatched a new plan. There are several stores in Paris that sell Anglophone food products. I've been to one, "The Real McCoy" on rue Grenelle and it wasn't very good. But, there is another store called, yes, "Thanksgiving" in the Marais. It's a little bit out of my normal route, but I was getting desperate. I checked the map, grabbed my cart and Terry and we hit the Marais. We found the store in an area called, Village St Paul, a charming corner near Il St Louis. The store was incredible, a veritable Thanksgiving cornucopia. I found everything I needed and more. Yes, it was expensive, but it is worth every centime.
Next stop, BHV, a short but crowded bus ride away. I found the roasting pan and it even had a rack in it.
So I'm set for Thanksgiving in Paris.
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