Sunday, April 15, 2012

On Va Gagner

On the metro this morning, we encountered a large group of young people (20's), heading toward the Sarkosy event (demonstration) that is planned for today at 2 PM.  They were all nicely dressed, no obvious piercings, no dreadlocks, no BO (of course, it's really cold outside).  They were having a good time, getting ready to support their candidate. They were chanting, "On va gagner"  (We are going to win...). 

I got the feeling that I was in a young Republicans club meeting.   Some of them were wearing a t-shirt that read, "Jeune Français AVEC Sarkosy".  OK, we get it.  They also had plastic panchos in red, blue and white in case it rains.

Not to be cynical, but I wonder if they're all going to this thing today to meet other young people with similar conservative interests or to support their candidate. 

Evidently and predictably, the demonstration for Francois Hollande, scheduled for the same time at the Chateau de Vincennes, will draw 2-3 times as many supporters, many of them young.  He is scheduled to have a picnic area, bands, etc., kind of a small, French, political Woodstock.  Weird, but in action and appearance, Hollande seems more conservative than Sarkosy. 

Just like in the US, the party to the left of center tends to attract the most young people.  They're idealistic, full of ideas, poor.  Will they vote next Sunday?  To be determined.

The French are at a crossroad.  Things aren't good.  Who will win?  Who knows, but it's interesting that some of the young people are in favor of the conservative candidate, of keeping things the same. 

On va voir.  We'll see.

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