Monday, December 31, 2012

It’s A Big World

It seems like a small world when you run into someone you know in an unexpected place, often thousands of miles from where you’ve known them.   Delightful. 

Living between two countries, I often spot someone on the street, the grocery store or the gym that, for a split second, I think I know. 

Even though it’s the wrong city, my brain is slow on the uptake.  I’ve already made eye contact-- or worse -- smiled broadly; thinking that they know me too.  It’s usually a look-alike and I quickly and casually look away. 

Why would I see Lucienne at the Spectrum in Manhattan Beach or Nancy in at the Marche Bio in Paris? 

Things and people that seem quite familiar and everyday to us are unknown in other parts the world.  It is exhausting to try to keep up.  World events unfold at a rapid rate.  Achievements that don’t effect me go unnoticed.  By me.

I was excited to hear that Jane Goodall was chosen to be the 2013 Grand Marshall of the Rose Parade in Pasadena.  In our part of the world, this is a great honor.  Her quote in the LA Times this morning pushed me right off my egocentric position of balance.  She said, “When you grow up in England and spend all your time in Tanzania…I hadn’t heard of the Rose Parade”.  Hmmm.  I know who she is

I guess this goes back to the "big world" theory.  You can’t be everywhere and know everything.  Even if you're Jane Goodall. 

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