Friday, February 12, 2010

I've Given Up All (mostly) Worldly Possessions

After spending most of the last two months going through my parents' house, taking what I want and getting rid of the rest, I've decided it's time to re-think the idea of "stuff". I don't think I want it any more.

So, I wrote to my sister and told her that I've given up all worldly possessions except clothes, shoes, makeup and cute underwear. I can't add books to the list because I have a Kindle and you can delete books from it at will.

There are some important things that I'm keeping. The family china and silver, old books and family Bibles. My computers, iPHONE, scanner and all their related cables. My car, of course. My watercolors, brushes and paper.

I'm cleaning out every day. Goodwill has made me a regular stop on their route.

It all turns out to be unimportant in the end.

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