Saturday, February 20, 2010

You Can't Be Out Of Touch

I have one last thing to finish on my Mom's house before it goes on the market -- the cooktop in the kitchen. They installed a beautiful piece of granite and will cut it when the cooktop arrives. We ordered it with plenty of time but, for some reason, this is difficult to get.

The cooktop world started to unravel yesterday afternoon.

Doctors don't let you leave your cell phones on and I had an appointment yesterday. It was long as it involved tests, so I was out of the communication string for about two hours. It turned out to be two critical hours on Friday afternoon. Why does everything happen on Friday afternoon at 4 PM? It's a universal truth. You can't do anything to correct it at 4 PM on Friday and everyone is already packing to leave for the weekend by then. You're lucky to even get someone by phone. And, you have no hope of fixing the problem until Monday morning at the earliest.

Yesterday's hell was that they delivered an electric cooktop (to my Mom's) instead of a gas one. It's been on order for three weeks and now it is going to take another three weeks to get the right one. Sounds a little bit like France, doesn't it? So, later today, I'm heading out to the kind of stores I hate the most -- appliance stores to see if I can find anything myself.

Picture me, on a Saturday afternoon in Home Depot. The store is so big that I get nervous just walking in the door. Everything is huge and I can't lift it and I have a small car. It's also in a bad neighborhood. Then, picture me at Pacific Sales. Also big, but a little accessible. But, Saturday afternoon is a nightmare with millions of people trying to buy things and only one salesperson per department.

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