Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Google Translate II

The need for a cultural spell check device.

I've been happily using Google Translate to write letters and emails in French.  It is so easy and fast.  I write what I want to say in English and immediately a translation appears in French.  Accents and everything. I just copy and paste the French into whatever document I'm working on.  This has saved me many hours of laborious work already. 

Even if I look up a few words, questioning the appropriateness of the translation's choice, it is still very quick and I learn something each time I write something new.  Gone is the procrastination factor, I'm free!

I used Google Translate several times now on an email chain to a French woman.  It is a business deal of sorts, but not very high level.  We had an initial meeting (in person).  We're now clarifying our needs. 

I had been clear up front and so had she.  But, several key points have been forgotten (by her) so we have to return to the original requirements before we can finalize anything.  And, the price keeps changing.

My emails to her have been polite and clear.  I thought. 

But her follow up email to me was terse and almost angry.  What did I do wrong?  Was my message too abrupt?  (I was a journalism major, I try to get to the point without a lot of fluff).   Did I use the wrong word, maybe something that wasn't polite?  No idea.  I think the words were fine but that I didn't follow some unwritten cultural rule.

Will the deal fall through?  No idea.  It wasn't that solid to begin with.  It isn't that important to either one of us. 

We have deferred our discussions until January, as the Noel holiday is approaching and everything is going to start shutting down. 

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