Thursday, June 16, 2016

Kinda Depressing Here...

Everyone I meet that lives here in Paris is complaining about the bad things that are happening right now. 

Terrorist Attacks
Bad Weather

When will it end? 

This isn't just friends talking, it's complete strangers.  I was in the vet's office with Emma today.  A woman came out with the same breed and we talked for a few minutes. At the end of the conversation she reminded me that Paris isn't always like this, we'll have to live through it.  I agreed. 

Then the vet said basically the same thing, almost apologetic.  

It's pouring rain right now.  Pouring, not just rain.  It's June 16. Isn't it supposed to be getting sunny?  It's not even really warm.  At least when it rains, the demonstrations aren't as big.  Who wants to run around demonstrating in the driving rain. 

When there's a strike the buses don't run as often, so we have to take the metro.  Now, on the metro, I look at every person in the car.  As the train is pulling up, I look into each car and do a quick assessment of terrorist threats.  If someone looks a bit odd and has a big backpack or suitcase, I pass on that car.  I haven't sunken so far into the fear zone that I let that metro train go by and take the next one, although I've considered it. 

OK, now it's sunny.  What's that all about?  Now I have to take my sunglasses, my umbrella and wear sensible shoes just to go out.

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