Saturday, January 8, 2011

Band Aids and Other Household Supplies

Last month, I sliced a big chuck of skin off my index finger knuckle. It bled like crazy. Of course, I was in the middle of cooking a big dinner for Terry's birthday. Not wanting to put a damper on the festivities, I tried to bandage it up and press on. Don't they use duct tape in professional kitchens?

The show must go on. I went to the bathroom cupboard, which was almost bare. We had about five band-aids, all of them tiny; totally insufficient for this job. Isn't that always the case? It's almost impossible to supply the house with every possible product for every possible eventuality and need. Band aids seem like an easy thing to keep on hand, but only if the person who uses the last one remembers to add it to the shopping list. And, in the heat of bandaging something up, the last thing you think about is the grocery list.

I put a big piece of gauze over the cut and then taped my finger up.

Within five minutes blood was coming out both sides. A lot of blood. So, I put an even bigger piece of gauze over the original one and re-taped it up. It held.

The next day, the whole thing came off and the bleeding started up where it left off. So, I replaced my improvised band aid and pressed on with family fun. Still no band aids in the house.

Days went by like this. I never thought to buy band aids because I was using my improvised band aid. Finally the cut healed.

I never bought band aids. Today, Terry sliced his finger on a tape dispenser. Almost as bad as mine but not quite. He used the same basic method of tape and gauze. Seems to be catching around here.

But, this afternoon, I decided to go to the store and stock up. Now, we've got every possible size, shape and color of band aid, all in bathroom cabinet, ready for the next mishap.

What else is missing for the medicine cabinet? We'll never know until we need it, I fear.

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