Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Speaking French Non-Stop

It is rare to hear French in Southern California but in the last two days, I've had two encounters with francophones.

In both cases, it was a surprise. Just now I was walking down the street and a woman was in the middle of taking a photo. I paused for a second but when she didn't move, I said, "Excuse Me" to the woman so that she wouldn't get my profile in her sunset shot. She replied, "Allez-y" to my surprise.

My head swiveled around, I smiled and replied with no hesitation, "Bienvenue a ma belle ville". This caused a flurry of conversation and laughing with her group but no other reply to me, so I continued on my way.

The day before I was at the gym and I passed by two women speaking french to each other. Automatically, I blerted out, "Par-don". They both laughed and remarked in English to me and we all thought it was funny that I automatically went into French with them. They turned out to be American and were much friendlier than the French group, surprise, surprise!

The best part of these exchanges is that I'm now responding, almost automatically in French, even when I'm in the US. Hurray!

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