Tuesday, July 26, 2011


I know that I can make a tagine without the special cookware, any pot with a cover will do. But, part of the fun, mystery and excitement is having the right dish.

I've been looking everywhere for just the right tagine. Many that I've seen are beautiful but they can't be used for cooking, only for serving the dish. This kind of defeats the purpose. Then, the ones for cooking are either ugly or very expensive or not authentic enough. I found a Le Creuset one with a cast-iron bottom pan. I'm sure it would be great, but it's not what I had in mind.

Then, I ran across this yesterday at William Sonoma. I asked the guy that worked there if I could cook in it and he answered yes, but I didn't get a strong feeling that he really knew. Thanks to the internet, I looked it up when I got home with it and, yes, you can cook and microwave in it.

There is a down-side. I must soak it in water for 24 hours and then give it an olive oil bath and put it in the oven at a low temperature for 1-2 hours. A lot of work.

I've looked up tagine recipes and they seen to require a spice that I've never seen before -- ras el hanout. It's probably a combination of other spices, easily obtainable. After the tagine is fully seasoned, I'll have to find the spice.

Then, I also must find a willing audience to taste-test my new creations.

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