Tennis Club du 16eme before the courts were covered. |
We played tennis this morning at the tennis club.
It's been raining a lot so we're happy that all the courts are covered.
The club has three courts that, when covered, are all in one big bubble (bulle). Unfortunately, the other two courts were filled with men who were screaming and being somewhat obnoxious, like screaming "merde" and even a couple of assorted "shits" every time they missed a shot (which was all the time). Finally we all gave each other enough dirty looks and a few prolonged stare-downs and the guys quieted down.
Funny, but I think that in the US, you'd need to have an exchange of words to accomplish the desired result. In France, even though they were acting badly, they must have known it and we didn't have to exchange verbal blows.
It was still a stressful morning and I'm sure that these men will forget all about today and will annoy many other players during the next six months. Then, the courts will be opened up and the screams will compete with the noise from the Peripherique.
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