Saturday, October 6, 2012

Pumpkins To Enjoy

These beauties were just hanging out in the patch at the L'Abbaye.  I really wanted to ask if I could have one to take home with me.  I didn't think the nuns would understand.  Since I'd already asked a fair amount of dumb questions (like where is the trash...)  I thought it was better if I refrained from asking.

So, the pumpkins stayed in the patch and I returned to Paris with no pumpkins. 

These pumpkins are HUGE.  Each one probably weighs 10-15 pounds.  I don't know why they are different colors, perhaps they are slightly different. 

One thing I do know -- these beauties will never have the fate of most American pumpkins -- decorations.  They are food.  More than likely, they will end up in soup along with the leeks, the cauliflower the carrots and the potatoes.

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