Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Birthday Resolutions

The big day is coming up. Luckily it's not a "milestone" birthday, just an ordinary, but new number in my life.

I've awoken the last few mornings with a tiny bit of dread. Another year is in the books. The first few times I have to write out or speak my new age, I always stutter, stumble on the number. How can this have happened?

But, there's hope. I have always tried to make life's daily decisions to the best of my ability, hoping that in the end, I'll have no regrets, no missed opportunities, no unspoken words.

To this end, it is time to change things up a bit. I plan to make some birthday resolutions this year. I don't usually make them, like other Americans, on New Year's Eve for the coming year. I thought that the french make resolutions at La Rentree, by my friend, Anne, says "no". They make New Year's resolutions but they are more of a hope than a resolution. I can accept this and I like the idea of hope. It certainly takes less work than a resolution.

I won't make many resolutions, and like all goals, they need to be readily achievable, but significant. I've already picked them and am in the mental preparation stage for their achievement. Several days to go for this.

They also have to be do-able in any location, the US or France, or anywhere else that the coming year might find me.

No, I'm not sharing just yet.

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