Sunday, March 15, 2009

Elliptical Texting

I have been a multi-tasking lunatic today and I'm confessing all.

While on the elliptical trainer at the gym this morning, sweating with all the other Sunday "regulars", I was also busy texting my sister. The texting centered around trying to find a mutually agreeable time to talk on the phone and then clarifying the time by time zone.

Talking on the cell phone is illegal at the gym, so texting is the only way to communicate since I couldn't get internet service to send an email.

Back and forth we went, 3PM my time, 5 PM her time. Around and around my legs went on the elliptical, going nowhere fast.

The time really flew but eventually we agreed on a time and that activity came to an end.

I then realized that muiti-tasking is a good thing, so I turned on the TV (it has captions), turned on my iPOD to some inspirational music and the time started to fly again.

But, my mind was still spinning. Ideas kept popping up and I was afraid I'd forget, so, with the music and the TV still on and the TV captions still coming at me, I found the notepad on the iPHONE and wrote myself a few notes. Including the idea for this blog.

I've accomplished everything on the list except one thing. That thing is a "find" note. I've looked but I haven't been able to find the thing I was looking for.

My French friend, Anne, just sent me an email saying that she will participate in a bi-lingual debate, the subject is, "are we slaves to the screen?" She answered very accurately in English that she is a slave to the computer but not to the TV. Ditto for me, except that I have about 5 different screens that I'm using to communicate, keep track of things and enjoy myself. I could never be as good at multi-tasking if it weren't for all my electronics.

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