Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Mother Nature

or... an earthquake in California.

Did your mother ever use the term "mother nature"? Ours did. I don't really know what it means but I like the idea of it, except when there's malevolence involved. But I guess we have to take "her" both ways.

Last year while we were in Paris, there was a moderate earthquake near Manhattan Beach. We assumed that there was no damage.

Months later, after our return, Terry opened a kitchen cupboard to be greeted with falling shards of glass from above -- our champagne glasses! They'd somehow moved forward toward the doors of the cupboard and when he opened them, the glasses flew out and showered him with glass. We lost four and I had to rescue him from a big pile of broken glass. Remember, it's California and we're always walking around barefoot.

With the recent earthquake in Haiti, followed by Chile, I decided to pay attention to my heirlooms and valued glass pieces. I bought padded cases for everything and spent weeks putting everything into the cases and stacking them in ways that even in a large quake, they'd be safe. I reviewed my plans up until the day we left to make sure that I'd keep my "stuff" safe.

Now there's been an earthquake in Mexico, close enough and strong enough that it could be felt in Manhattan Beach.

Have my goodies survived? I think they have. Was I smart to take care of them -- yes. Some of my things were my grandmother's -- they are dear to me and reminders of an era long-gone. I don't use them much, but they are still great to have and will be great to pass along. They are not things that can be given away or purchased from someone else. They are worth preserving, if possible from Mother Nature. (I use capitals because I respect her).

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