Sunday, April 11, 2010

McDonald's, Paris

This post is for all the french people who tell me that obesity and fast food are an American problem, not something that is happening in France.

Having Aidan in Paris for a week has allowed us to see many different sides of Paris. Yesterday we had to take a break from the Jardin de Plantes, as Aidan was hungry. Not much to eat in the garden, so we ventured out and the first thing we saw, right across the street, was McDonald's. Aidan was ecstatic since he doesn't get to go there very often at home in the US.

This McDonald's is not an ordinary one, though, it's enormous. Even though it was about 4:30 PM, not a meal time, it was filled with people, 5 lines stretching from the counter to the front door. This McDonald's is also on two levels. The man in front of us was with a small boy, maybe 7 years old. I wouldn't say he was obese, but he was definitely overweight. They ordered so much food that they needed two large bags for it all. Away they went for their mid-afternoon refreshment. I wonder if kids in the US eat a full meal at McDonald's at 4:30 PM, I have no idea.

Wine and beer are available at french McDonalds. Probably necessary for the parents, this place was a zoo. They also have selections that are not available in the US -- croque McDo, and a variety of cold french-type sandwiches with ham inside.

We ordered Aidan his happy meal. It came with juice and yogurt, kind of french. I guess he could have gotten a soda, but he is five and we didn't offer it. But, he did get the chicken mcNuggets and fries like in the US and a nice toy.

One thing that's similar about McDonald's around the world is that they have nice bathrooms, especially for kids.

This is my second visit to a french McDonald's. The first was on a wintery night in Carpentras when everything else was closed. I guess McDonald's fills a demand in France, but let's hope they don't end up on every corner.

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