Saturday, April 3, 2010

Grocery Fright

Guests are arriving for a week early Tuesday morning. So, I have a list of things to do to insure that they are comfortable and happy.

Grocery shopping is high on the list. This morning (Saturday) I decided that I'd better order the bulk of my groceries on-line for delivery on Monday evening. I finished the ordering process on the grocery store website and moved to the payment/delivery section.

It immediately came up that I would not be able to get a delivery until late on Tuesday, a day later than I needed. I looked and there were no deliveries available on Monday.
Of course, it's Easter Monday in France.

In the US, Good Friday is the holiday. In France, it's Easter Monday. Many people work but (obviously) not all.

How can I forget this small detail of French life, I've been discussing this for years.

So, I grabbed my coat, umbrella, scarf, etc. (it was pouring rain) and ventured to a large store. It wasn't too crowded, considering it was Easter Saturday, mid-morning. I made my way through the store and filled up my cart. Realizing that I'd have to carry (drag) it all home, I tried to be realistic, but I had quite a load. As I got to the front of the line, the cashier asked if I wanted a delivery. Well, yes, of course. It is free if you buy enough, and I'd certainly achieved the level needed. I signed the form, grabbed the few extremely perishable things and sprinted home in the rain.

As planned, the delivery man arrived. All is well in our household. We will survive until after the Easter Monday holiday.

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