Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Newspapers Are On Strike

Don't they know we can read the internet? The people who print the newspapers in France have been on strike for two days. Not the people who gather and write the news but the people who MAKE the newspaper. So, we can still get all the news we want, just not in the normal printed form.

I love reading a newspaper. It's part of my family tradition to read at least one (maybe two or three if there's time) daily newspaper(s). It is enjoyable to hold the paper, see the ads, read the editorials.

I don't think I'm in the majority though. Today people can get their news on the radio, on the TV, on their phone, on their computers. I don't know if these people who are on strike right now have thought this through. Maybe we don't really need them. Having a daily newspaper is a "nice to have" since all we really want is to know what's going on.

Normally here in France a strike lasts for one day, but it's already been two. If they're on strike for much longer, they might as well start looking for another profession, we don't really need them.

So, whatever grievance they have, they should weigh the potential for unemployment on a long-term basis.

Strikes in France are usually for:

Continuing to be able to retire at 60 years old or after 40 years of service
Continuing to be able to work 35 hours and be paid with time off if they work above this number of hours.
Keeping other benefits including vacation time.

In my opinion, they can't have it both ways. They can't do a job that isn't critical and expect to hold everyone hostage to give them more "stuff". If doctors went on strike or even policemen, we'd be in trouble, we need them. But newspaper printers? Guys, get back to work and deliver my paper on time for a change.

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